And are a few pictures of my latest quilt...
This is actually one of two almost identical quilts I made so I could re-decorate my kiddos room--one for my 2 year old and one for new baby girl--due in 3 weeks. I may post a picture of the other one later--it is still on the quilting machine awaiting the 20 minutes it will probably take to finish. The inspiration for this quilt came from Ashley at chick is amazing! I love her stripey quilts, and when I saw the one she made with the California Dreamin' fabrics I knew I had to make one! Plus, I had been collecting pink and orange and brown fabric for about 4 months, but no quilts were getting done because I couldn't decide on a pattern! This was seriously the easiest quilt I have ever made. It took me less than a day to plot and piece each one. It's amazing how fast I can finish a quilt if I can just pick a pattern and get going on it!